2019 Marshalling Dates

Wallasey Motor Club

Stage Rally Marshalling Dates 2019

A list of Stage Rally dates from January to April 2019 is published below if any members are interested in attending any of these events then please contact the Clubs’ Chief Marshal Steve Price 07814 953346 or sp.sales39@gmail.com by no later than two weeks prior to the events published date.


26th January  ANWCC Marshals Training Day.

Warrington Campus, Chester University To enrol: https://form.jotformeu.com/janb/nw19.



2nd February Jack Neal Stages. Blyton Park Circuit. Please register by no later than 25/1

16th February Cambrian Rally. North Wales.

Stage : GWYDIR

Stage Commander : Mark Wilkinson.

Stage will be run twice over the day

Recruiting, Marshals in Charge & Junction Marshals.

More details of times and locations to be confirmed.

Please register by no later than  2/2


2nd March Tour of Cheshire. by 20/2

3rd March Questmead Stages. 3 Sisters Circuit.Please register by no later than  20/2

16th March AGBO Stages – Historic Rally Weston Park. Please register by no later than 1/3

17th March AGBO Stages – Modern Cars. Weston Park. Please register by no later than 1/3

23rd March North West Stages- Based at Myrescough College.Please register by no later than 1/3


14 April  SMC Stages: Anglesey Circuit. Please register by no later than 1/4


Bridge Street
Port Sunlight
CH62 4UP


Lyceum Social Club
Monday Evenings


ONLY £17.50

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