AGM ZOOM Information
The 2021 AGM is open to all members and the Committee genuinely urges you to participate. If you have not re-joined for 2021, we encourage you to do so in order to support the club in these difficult times.
Please see below the link to the Zoom Wallasey Motor Club AGM meeting and also the Minutes of the 2020 AGM and Agenda for 2021.
Meeting ID: 937 4691 7991
Passcode: 457316
Please contact Pat Marchbank at prior to the meeting if you would like to stand for a committee position or if you wish to propose another member. The committee needs new ideas and input so please consider putting yourself or others forward.
Committee Positions are:
- Chairman
- Secretary
- Competitions Secretary
- Treasurer
- Newsletter Editor
- Chief Marshal
- Social Secretary
- Membership Secretary
- Web Editor
- Equipment Officer
- Child Safeguarding Officer
Plus, Vice/Deputy/Assistant for all above positions.
We look forward to “seeing” you next Tuesday.