Assistance Required

At the recent AGM, held on Monday 12th February at the Port Sunlight Village Social Club, there was very little new blood available for Committee roles.


The club is currently doing very well, with member numbers up on previous years and the various social and marshal events being very well supported.


The current Committee, although willing to stand again, is mindful that we are not getting any younger and that new blood is needed at Committee level to allow the positive direction the club is going in to continue.


As other Motor Clubs struggle with member numbers and go out of existence we all must be proud of the fact that Wallasey has continued to grow from strength to strength and we must ensure this continues.


We want to reiterate that being on the Committee is not a major undertaking, it is your club and it gives you the chance to have your say in decisions that are made and the direction in which the club goes in the future.


Although it may be daunting for some of you to commit to a Committee role there are assistant roles available. These roles will allow you to get an understanding of what goes on at Committee meetings with a view to learning the ropes with the intention of filling the main role in the future.


Having Assistants provides cover when people are not able to attend the regular pre-arranged Committee meetings, (once a month on club nights), and gives support in roles to bounce ideas of different people.


It is our goal to address this over the coming year and would welcome interest from any club members, in particular the new younger ones, willing to give it a go.


If you are interested or would like more information please do not hesitate to contact any one of the Committee members.




Gary Marriott

Chairman, Wallasey Motor Club


Bridge Street
Port Sunlight
CH62 4UP


Lyceum Social Club
Monday Evenings


ONLY £17.50

Latest Club News

22nd January 2025

AGM Monday 24th February

The 2025 Annual General Meeting is open to all members and the Committee genuinely urges you to participate.  If you have not re-joined for 2025, we encourage you to do Read More