CATACLEAN Promenade Stages ERALLY 2020
Wallasey Motor Club hold the Promenade Stages Rally every year (this year would have been the 40th event) but unfortunately due to current restrictions it will not run this year.
So instead in conjunction with CATACLEAN we have decided to hold an ERally instead, The track is as close as we can get it and there are trophies and prizes available to the winners. We are also hoping to bring you online coverage (with a little help from yourselves) via Special Stages Rally Review where prizes will be on offer to the clips you post.
Basic Format 2 days of racing over with 5 classes starting each with a trophy for the winner, and a prize of a years free supply of CATACLEAN for the overall winner.
There will also be prizes available for stage events to be announced and Prizes for the best clips (not crashes) downloaded to this page.