Sponsorship and Advertising opportunities
The following sponsorship and advertising opportunities are available to help support this years Promenade Stages Rally
Advertising Rate Card
Stage Sponsorship Package
Opportunity to Sponsor a pair of stages on Saturday.
Package includes:-
- Half page stage diagram and sponsor feature in the spectator programme.
- Commentator name checks throughout the time the two stages are live.
- Sponsor feature and web link on the Promenade Stages Website.
- Cost £250 .
- Booking and copy deadline 1st July 2017
Rally Regulations and Spectator Programme Adverts
Opportunity to advertise in both the rally regulations and spectator programme.
- Cost A5 full colour £150
A5 ½ page full colour £75
- Booking confirmation and copy deadline 1st July 2017
For further details please contact:-
Jon Chamberlain email: Jonchamb@hotmail.com
Or call 07957 888274